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June 2017

NO! - Let's Do It Better (Part 1 of 2)

I hear it all the time.  “Little Johnny can’t handle not getting his way.”  Or “If I tell Suzy “no,” she freaks out.”  It’s a very common problem for parents to deal with and one of the most frustrating at that.

In my years of working with children, one thing I’ve been able to deduce is that often when children hear the word “no,” they have their own personal meaning to this.  Typically, the personal definition consists of thoughts like “never in a million years will this thing that I want so bad right now ever EVER happen!” …..and cue……the MELTDOWN!

This is an even more prevalent problem for kids that struggle with Autism issues, ADHD, and Anxiety.  These kids can have far more rigid and extreme thinking than the average bear and their ability to be flexible in working through hurdles on what they thought would happen or could happen is not nearly as accessible as kids without these issues.

One thing I like to teach kids is that “No,” in almost every situation, usually means “not right now.”  It doesn’t mean “You will NEVER get to play outside with your best friend!”  It means that, for these several reasons, it isn’t a good time to do that activity RIGHT NOW.  It doesn’t mean “You will NEVER get to EVER have ice cream again!”  It simply means mom doesn’t have the money right now, or you need to wait until after dinner.  It WILL happen, just Not Right Now.  When I work with kids on this issue, I ask the question related to their most recent meltdown, usually regarding something like “not getting their pick for dinner” or “not being able to go to the park,” etc.  Whether their parent meant they will NEVER get to do this or have that, or if they just meant NOT RIGHT NOW, kids typically are caught off-guard too.  They generally have not had someone explain this to them.  We then will work through a series of pretend questions they could ask their parents and define whether the “no” meant Never or Not Right Now.  They are genuinely shocked to realize that most things they ask for are, in fact, just a “not right now.”  The lightbulb comes on, and it becomes clear to them that eventually the things they get upset about not happening now will probably actually happen again…someday at least.

For parents my lesson is the same.  I review with parents the concept of kids often hearing “Never in my lifetime will what I want in this moment occur” when they hear that simple, tiny, yet oh-so-powerful word “No.”  I then explain in a similar way that typically what we are actually meaning is a more defined “not right now.” 

In the midst of daily crises and checking off to-do lists, we find it easier to answer kids’ queries with a firm and curt “no” to just about anything they might be asking.  Even in the moments when we have a bit of free time, it’s often simpler for us to dish out a quick “no” than spend our time thinking through a response or what we actually mean.  That is …… until THEY respond.  At that point, when there are tears flying, flailing limbs and banshee screams, the thought might occur to us that this maybe could have been avoided, had we taken the time needed on the front side of this event.  Pausing before the “No” to evaluate the situation and give a more detailed response creates the potential for conversation with your child and the ability to keep things relaxed.

“What if I don’t know yet if it’s a ‘not right now’ or a ‘NO, never gonna happen?’,” you ask.  True, things are not always black and white, and this will occur at times.  One course of action is to explain that you’re not sure, but you will keep the request in consideration.  The biggest thing to remember, no matter what your answer to their request might be, is that your kids really want to feel like they were being HEARD.  Taking a moment to listen to what your child is requesting and giving them a more complete response will take your farther than shooting out “no’s” like a Whack-A-Mole game at the arcade.  After making your child feel heard, you may find he or she to be more accepting of your response- meaning less arguing and less emotional extremes.

So this week, take a moment to use Lesson #1: to replace the reactive word “No” with the more accurate “Not Right Now,” when it is fitting, to give a more clear picture to kids on what they can expect.  Challenge yourself before that quick and easy response comes out to think through what you mean and if this “no” could be changed.  You might even find that, when you really take the time to listen to the request, what they’re asking for might even be a “YES!”  That would surely help your child respond better.  Either way, give it a shot and take note of any changes in the responses from your kids.  This is what I refer to as the “Social Experiment.”  Happy investigating!

In the meantime, stay tuned for Part 2 to learn the productive conversation with your child that would follow a “Not Right Now” response.  Without the rest of the conversation, that “Not Right Now” response will most certainly become the new “NO!” in your home.  So….NO! Let’s Do It Better and join me for Part 2!  

What To Expect When You Weren’t Expecting THIS

So there you were, what seems like lifetimes ago, idly daydreaming about how great parenthood would be someday.  Your mind drifted through thoughts of pleasantly pushing a gorgeous, smiling child on a swing, then meandering around a pond with a little towhead in hand, pointing out interesting things while she hangs on your every word.  At night, you’d be enjoying a glass of wine while leisurely bathing prince charming or tucking your little princess into bed, promptly after two stories and one song so you can go about the rest of your evening and RELAX.

Yeah…..not the reality you got, huh?  Not even close.

Instead, that trip to the park begins with your kid blatantly knocking somebody else’s gorgeous, smiling child right off the swing, so he can take over the hot commodity of the park.  No sooner have you finished scolding him, before you find yourself racing to catch said child, who is now sprinting full force to the pond, bent on jumping in so he can "catch the ducks."  You struggle to get either prince charming IN the bath or OUT of the bath – because on any given day it’s gonna be one or the other (or maybe even both).  And, finally, there you are, two full hours AFTER bedtime (and counting!) with maybe part of the pajamas on, at least 5 trips to the bathroom down, 2 snacks in, one glass of water, several stories and every song you know sung at least once and, TA-DA!!!  That little face peeks at you from around the corner, quoting the classics - “I can’t sleep!”, “I want to stay with yoooou!”, “I’m afraid!”, or simply smiling with an impish giggle.

You didn’t realize before you had kids that they could have the personalities of Jim Carey and a Monster Truck mixed together.  You didn’t realize they could be as manipulative as a soap opera star or as swift to fearfully pull themselves into their shell as a sea turtle staring at a shark.  You never imagined a child so impulsive and quick to leap outside of their own common sense to risky, dangerous or disruptive behaviors, a true aspiring Evel Knievel!  You never thought of a child who, although smart and (in your eyes) funny, could struggle getting along with people and making friends.  They are complicated and complex and there is no way we were ready for all they bring to the table.  Even after we have a chance to re-focus on who they are, we didn’t ever dream of the things life would touch them with (health issues, grief, bullying, trauma, etc.), that can make their days and challenges - and therefore ours - even more difficult.

Sometimes we see our kids fully and completely...and sometimes we struggle.  When we’re in the midst of the struggles it is very easy to see “the issue.”  We see the impulsivity and lack of self-control inherent in ADHD as Our Child.  We see the rigid thinking and low frustration tolerance of Autism as Our Child.  We zero in on manipulative personality characteristics as Our Child, as well as personality differences from us that just simply rub us the wrong way as Our Child.  I know how this feels and I know how much it hurts.  It is difficult to not allow these things to stand out like a sore thumb and overshadow the other sides of the picture.  It is hard to know how to manage things about a person that you may not relate to and also don’t always appreciate.  It’s also even more difficult to find balance in your work as a parent when these issues are present, and not feel like all of your energy is spent trying to find that happy medium between parenting the hard stuff and experiencing joy for the good stuff.

What I encourage is an understanding that you are not alone and that allowing yourself to grieve your unfulfilled expectations is totally warranted.  Yes, I said grieve.  When you have some serious expectations of what life would be like with your children, or expectations of your child’s future characteristics, or have to accept a diagnosis or situation which changes drastically your understanding of your child from some type of “normal” - you grieve.  You grieve the idea of a perfect childhood and witnessing your child move through the world with ease and grace.  You grieve the ideas you had of the things they would accomplish.  Maybe they still will, maybe they won’t, maybe they won’t want to.  It is such a process for parents to allow themselves to really accept that their children are not who they thought they would be and will not always act or do things the way they envisioned in those early years of daydreaming.   Embrace their uniqueness when you can and find your patience when you can't.

And eventually….they get to accept their children as they are.   When we allow ourselves to quit staring at one spot in the picture we get to see the whole picture.  I know you know this.  You know the whole “forest for the trees” thing.  I know it sounds easy, right?!?  Let me ask you though, have you ever spilled something on a sweater right in the front?  A mishap with a coffee cup on the way to work, or maybe a dribble of toothpaste as you got ready.  You figured that spot was small and you would get by.  It’s too late to change for the day, so it’ll have to do.  But each and every time you catch a glimpse in the mirror, regardless of how small the spot is, you stare right at it.  Your eyes go to that spot like it found the prize, like it zeroed in on the only thing that matters on that sweater.  You fail to see the gorgeous color anymore, or the softness of the fibers and how it feels on your skin.  You can’t remember that it is keeping you warm on a cold day or that it was given to you by someone special.  THE SPOT.  All you see and all you think about is that spot.

When there is something present in a situation we didn’t expect and we look at with negativity, fear or doubt, it is all our brain will want to see.  It is in this capacity that we have to be purposeful on realigning how we think.  Ok, so the spot on the sweater is what it is but your child is a gift.  Spot or not, a total and complete gift.  When we pull back and look at our children in an all-encompassing way, beyond “The Issue,” we can begin to have balance and joy in a more effortless and free-flowing way.  When we can find the benefits to some of the quirks and personality issues in our children, we can relax a bit and know they are going to be ok.  Being able to see that our little manipulator has an amazing skill that could make him “Salesman of the Year” someday, helps us to relax.  Knowing that your excessively timid and shy one will probably never jump out of airplanes, or take off to Africa alone to “find themselves,” can be comforting as a parent.  Seeing the immense creativity your ADHD child puts into everything they do (whether they should have done it or not) is truly inspiring.  And noting the ability your autistic child has in embracing every detail of a situation (although it may lead to rigid thinking) is actually a skill most people don’t have.  Their vision of the world is unique and detailed in a different way than yours, and the amount of things these kids force you to pay attention to (that you would normally miss) is a blessing.

So what do we do with all these “gifts” in the meantime, when our children are hanging from ceilings, throwing huge fits at home and in public, and refusing to comply with our expectations of, you know, basic standards of hygiene and societal rules?  We don’t give up.  We don’t give up looking for the good stuff.  We re-train our brain to see the better things front and center instead of in the blurry background. Embracing their uniqueness when we can and finding some patience and flexibility in our own thinking about their issues and behaviors when we can’t.   This is not an easy job and obviously not what we signed up for.  None of us were ready for the challenges actual parenting would bring, but we will all find our way - one way or another.  Relying on your support system is key because sometimes others outside our bubble can notice the positive things we can’t see, especially when we’re responsible for spending so much time and focus tending to the not-so-good stuff.  Being educated about our child’s issues, whether that leads back to a mental health diagnosis, trauma, or even just a strong-willed personality, is also where we can find some peace of mind.  Also educating ourselves on developmental stages - and what is and is not appropriate to expect at each age and stage - creates a new outlook and refreshing perspective on what’s “normal” and what’s not.  Last but not least, if you feel you need more personalized, professional support, working with a parent coach to help you identify what actually can change in your situation versus which issues need to simply be understood and worked with (instead of worked on), is also incredibly insightful.

In the meantime, it’s ok to abandon all of those ideas you had before - about the perfect children you would have and the perfect parent you would be.  Let’s face it, none of that leads to those memorable stories you’ll be reminiscing with years from now – like the time you had to fish your kid out of the fountain in the mall, or stop them from performing an impromptu strip tease while standing inside the grocery cart at the store.  Parenting builds character for sure, and not just your kids’.  Embrace it, cry about it, cheer it on, live with it and love it.